Sexual Assault Cases in the Spotlight: How College Campuses are Facing the Problem Head-on
By Gregory J. Aceto of Aceto, Bonner & Cole, PC. Posted in Criminal Defense on January 28, 2017.
With the recent sentencing of Stanford student Brock Turner, the issue of college campus sexual assault has once again been brought to the forefront of national attention. Specifically, Judge Aaron Persky's minimal six-month sentence of incarceration for Turner highlights a systemic problem that colleges across the nation have been struggling to resolve: How can schools achieve justice for victims of sexual assault while simultaneously protecting the rights of students accused of these crimes?...
Are Uber Drivers Employees or Independent Contractors? The Classification Debate
on January 28, 2017.Massachusetts State Chemist Found Guilty of Lab Miscoduct and Tampering With Trial Evidence
on January 28, 2017.Reinstatement of judgment in breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing case shows how parties to a contract must carefully honor the express terms of the contract....
Where There is No Will, There is Still a Way: Prince's Estate to Pass by Intestacy
By Gregory J. Aceto of Aceto, Bonner & Cole, PC. on January 28, 2017.
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